1. A state characterized by a lack of awareness, unconsciousness.
2. A state characterized by a lack of awareness of ongoing internal processes.
3. In the depth psychologies, especially psychoanalysis, a domain of the psyche
encompassing the repressed id functions, the primitive impulses and desires, the
memories, Content/images and wishes that are too anxiety-provoking to be accepted into consciousness.
(Arthur S. Reber: Dictionary of Psychology, Penguin 1985)
1. The ground of all existence, combining the spiritual principle of nature, will,
and reason. The notion was developed by K.R.E. von Hartmann (1842-1906)... synthesizing
the theories of Schelling, Schopenhauer, and Hegel. The misery of existence is explained
by the suffering of the unconscious from the constant strife between will and reason;
it can be alleviated only by conscious reason gaining ascendancy over blind impulse,
until the final liberation of the unconscious at the end of physical life.
2. A source of influences on behavior. In Freud's theory, it is the container of
memories of experiences that are repressed in personal consciousness, as a consequence
of habits, developed from childhood, of denying impulses that might occasion disapproval.
Such repressed impulses persist as unconscious wishes and often adversely influence
personality development.
Jung distinguished between the personal and the collective unconscious; the latter
contains 'archetypes' or symbols representing inherited ways of responding to particular
types of experience. Man's basic drive is towards self-realization; freedom is attainable
through assimilation of the unconscious by consciousness.
(Antony Flew: A Dictionary of Philosophy, St. Martin's Press 1979)
see also Collective Unconscious.
1. The process of comprehending something, of appreciating the meaning of a word,
sentence, event, proposition, etc.
2. An elusive intuitive process whereby one succeeds in apprehending the deep significant
meaning of an event, a concept, an idea, etc.
3. A sympathetic appreciation for another person, particularly for their point of
view on some matter or their belief on some issue.
4. In older writings, a hypothesized mental faculty the function of which was to
yield comprehension of the meanings of things.
(Arthur S. Reber: Dictionary of Psychology, Penguin 1985)
Verstehen, allg. soviel wie begreifen, insbes. im Gegensatz zum Erklären
und Begründen das intuitive Erfassen des Sinns, des Wesens eines "Gegenstandes"
aus ihm selbst heraus. Verstehen in dieser Bedeutung setzt die innere Verwandtschaft
mit dem zu verstehenden Gegenstand voraus. Die Möglichkeit des Verstehens ist
darin begründet, dass alles seelisch-geistige Leben sich in mehr oder weniger
festen Formen äussert, die etwas ausdrücken, etwas bedueten. Die Notwendigkeit
des Verstehens ergibt sich aus der Tatsache, dass solche Äusserungen etwas
Individuelles, Einmaliges, Einzigartiges darstellen, für das allgemeine Regeln
oder Gesetze nicht anwendbar, bzw. nicht zureichend sind.
So heisst Versthen nach Spranger "geistige Zusammenhänge in der Form objektiv
gültiger Erkenntnis als sinnvoll auffassen". Die Wissenschaft vom Wesen und
von den Formen des Verstehens heisst Hermeneutik.
(J. Hoffmeister: Wörterbuch der Philosophischen Begriffe,
Meiner Verlag, 1955)