This blog discusses ideas and concepts that I am currently thinking about for my book on Hyponoetics as an integral philosophy of mind and matter.
Schopenhauer called his magnum opus The World as Will and Representation (Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung). In this blog, I will try to elaborate on the meaning of the term 'Will' (Wille) and its application to and relevance in modern science, especially quantum physics.
The concept of will has a long history in philosophy. Starting with the ancient Greek philosophers, who did not yet have an elaborate idea of will as it later developed in Scholastic and modern philosophy, the term βούλησις can mean 'willing' in general, but also 'wish', 'desire' or 'purpose'. The ...
The term 'archetype' (from Ancient Greek ἀρχέτυπον = archetype, pattern, model, also original image or idea (Urbild)) was first used by Plato to refer to the metaphysical forms or ideas, in which the sensible and perceptible things participate.
In modern philosophy, both Locke and Descartes introduced the term as the foundation of representations in our mind:
...dass in uns keine Idee oder kein Bild einer Sache sein kann, von dem nicht irgendwo in uns selbst oder ausser uns ein Urbild (archetypus) existiert, das...